NEW: Google Traffic Added to Spicefly SugarCube
Find out more hereMusicIP Mixer Software - Register and Unlock
How to unlock and register the MusicIP Mixer Software Find out more hereSqueezebox Touch - Change Alarm Track
How to change the super annoying default Alarm Track on Squeezebox Touch Find out more hereUPDATED: Spicefly SpyGlass MIP
GUI to Install and UnInstall MusicIP Headless Service. Rewritten in C# and updated for Windows 10. Find out more hereSpicefly Wifi Analyser Tool for LMS
Simple tool showing the Wifi strength on each LMS player.Supports up to eight players Find out more here
Using MusicIP Offline
With the demise of the MusicIP servers how to use MusicIP Offline. Using MusicIP OfflineMusicIP Installation Guide for Windows 10
Tested on the Windows 10 Technical Preview, MusicIP installs fine and also the Headless interface. Find Installation Guide here
Spicefly SugarCube
Spicefly is the home of the (in)famous Logitech Media Server plugin Spicefly SugarCube which utilises MusicIP for non-stop dynamic music without playlists!Spicefly SugarCube features Live View, History mode, MusicIP Vintage mode, Alarm Support, Coming Up Next Display, Mix by Artist, Mix by Album, Mix by Genre, Mix by Filter, Mix by Recipe, Dynamic Queuing, TrackStat Integration (Optional), Sleep Mode, Send To Player... To name just some of the Features!
MusicIP Guides
Guides on MusicIP and how to setup and configure it with Logitech Media Server.
Guides on MusicIP GenPUID and setting up MusicIP for headless mode, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Linux.
MusicIP Headless Interface
You can also find a replacement web interface for MusicIP headless mode and recommendations on software to make life just that little bit easier, you can also download the mystical MusicIP 1.9b Windows Version, the final released version of MusicIP.Spicefly SpyGlass
A suite of MusicIP and Squeezebox related applications to peer under the bonnet of MusicIP and Logitech Media Server.Spicefly SpyGlass MIP is the first to be released which automates the setup of MusicIP Headless without touching a command prompt!
Logitech Media Server
A dive into Logitech's devices, including Hacking the Touch to customise the Now Playing Screen.Projects
Section containing articles not necessarily relating to MusicIP or Logitech Media Server.Buffalo NAS HS-DH500GL Upgrade from 500Gb to 2TB!