Squeezebox Touch - Change Alarm Track
How to change the Logitech Touch Alarm Music Track
This default alarm track is highly annoying and intrusive, but fortunately it's easy to change it!Just grab a mp3 that you would prefer, ensuring that it's not to large.
Steps to change the alarm
First off you need to download a SCP client, which you can download from here;http://winscp.net/eng/download.php
You only need to download the Portable Executables release as you don't need to install it.
Run the WinSCP.EXE file
Now on the Touch go to Settings -> Advanced -> Remote Login Menu
Enable SSH on the Touch and make a note of the IP Address
Now back to WinSCP, select Login and then use the settings as below
Hostname; YOUR Touch IP Address
Change the Protocol to; SCP
Default Username is; root
Default Password is; 1234

Click Login and you will get a message about host key not in cache, select yes
Ignore the various messages; Error looking up user groups, ignore it and click OK
Ignore the Error getting name of current remote directory and click OK
You are now logged into the Touch and its basically like playing around on a ftp server.
From the dropdown select the /root directory which will then show a list of directories.
Follow it down to;

The file you want to replace is the alarm.mp3 file. Just upload your new mp3 file using the same name; alarm.mp3
Once the file has been overwritten; Close down WinSCP
Reboot the Touch and job done!
Things to note - Each time the Touch has a firmware upgrade you will need to replace the file again.