MusicIP Mixer - HTTP

The MusicIP Mixer API is a HTTP based protocol for third party applications to interact programmatically with the MusicIP Mixer.

The same API works for Windows, Linux, and Mac products, so you can support all these platforms with one set of code. To start the MusicIP Mixer API, go to the Services section of the preferences dialog, select MusicIP Mixer API, and press start. If you exit MusicIP Mixer with services running, they will restart automatically when MusicIP Mixer restarts.

This will cause MusicIP Mixer to accept connections on the Server Port as though it were an http server. You can test the API by pointing a web browser to the appropriate port (e.g. http://localhost:10002) where localhost is the machine running MusicIP Mixer, and 10002 is the port.

The following commands are supported. All urls must be preceeded with "/api/" (For example:http://localhost:10002/api/shutdown).

If the version listed is higher than the current release version, this means the command is only available in a development or beta build, but will be available in the indicated release.

Command Arguments, Effect and Return Values Version
empty Returns a simple HTML form for testing the MusicIP Mixer API.
artists Returns a list of all the artists. Parameters are:
filter=name Use the named filter when creating the list (default none)
If there is no such filter the name may refer to a genre as an implicit filter. 1.5
showCount Prefix each artist with the number of songs by that artist
albums Returns a list of all the albums. Parameters are:
artist=name Only include albums with at least one song by the named artist
bysong Return key song from each album (useful for other api calls) 1.5
extended Return album in artist@@name format 1.5
filter=name Use the named filter when creating the list (default none)
If there is no such filter the name may refer to a genre as an implicit filter. 1.5
showCount Prefix each album with the number of songs on that album
cacheid Returns the timestamp when the cache was last modified. Parameters are:
contents Only show when contents were last modified (songs, playlists, analysis info)
duplicates Returns a list of all the songs which have duplicates (same as Library/List Duplicates). Parameters are:
content= (json|m3u|text|xspf) Set the returned mime type (default text)
json|xspf requires 1.5
short Return short-style names (Windows only) 1.1.4
filters Returns a list of all the filters. Parameters are:
showCount Prefix each filter with the number of songs in that filter
flush Flush any changes made to the current cache. There are no parameters. On success, it returns the number 1 (as text).
On failure, it returns the number 0 (as text).
genres Returns a list of all the genres. Parameters are:
filter=name Use the named filter when creating the list (default none) 1.6
showCount Prefix each genres with the number of songs in that genre
getCurrentMixGenre Returns the current settings of the "Restrict mix to selected genre" flag, which will be used by the mix command. This is the same as the current user setting in the application. 1.1.6
getCurrentRejectSize Returns the current size which will be used to limit duplicate artists by the mix command. This is the same as the current user setting in the application. 1.1.6
getCurrentRejectType Returns the current type which will be used to limit duplicate artists by the mix command. This is the same as the current user setting in the application. 1.1.6
getCurrentMixSize Returns the current mix size which will be used by the mix command. This is the same as the current user setting in the application. 1.1.4
getCurrentMixSizeType Returns the current mix size type which will be used by the mix command. This is the same as the current user setting in the application. The return value is tracks, min, or mbytes. 1.1.4
getCurrentMixStyle Returns the current mix style which will be used by the mix command. This is the same as the current artist style user setting in the application. 1.1.4
getCurrentMixVariety Returns the current mix variety which will be used by the mix command. This is the same as the current variety user setting in the application. 1.1.4
getCurrentTrack Returns the full path of the currently playing track, if any. Paused tracks still count as current. (Windows only) 1.8
getLastPlayed Returns the timestamp the song was last played. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the timestamp, or -1 if the song was not recognized.
getLyrics Returns the lyrics of the indicated song. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the lyrics, if present.
getPlayCount Returns the play count of the indicated song. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the play count, or -1 if the song was not recognized.
getPlaylist Returns the list of filenames for all songs in the indicated playlist. Parameters are:
content= (json|m3u|text|xspf) Set the returned mime type (default text) 1.1.4, json|xspf requires 1.5
short Return short-style names (Windows only) 1.1.4
detail Return the playlist attributes instead of the contents. Returned fields may include name, file, added, modified.1.1.5
getRating Returns the rating of the indicated song. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the rating 0-5, or -1 if the song was not recognized.
getSong Returns information about the indicated song. Parameters are:
index Choose a song by index
file Choose a song by file
Returned value is a list of attributes, 1 per line. The first word is the field name, and the rest of the line is the field value. Some fields may not be present if there is no associated value. Current fields are:
name, artist, album, album-id, file, genre, track, active, seconds, bytes, year, bitrate, composer, conductor, orchestra, lyricist, rating, modified, lastplayed, playcount, added
getSongCount Returns the number of songs currently in the cache. 1.1.3
getStatus Returns a string describing the current mixer status. Current values include adding, analyzing and idle.
incrementPlayCount Increment the play count of the indicated song by one. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the number of songs affected (0 if the song was not recognized).
mix Return a dynamic playlist. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a seed song
artist=name Choose a seed artist
album=fullpath Choose a seed album. fullpath is any song from the album
album= artistname@@ albumname Choose a seed album. (example: "The Beatles@@The White Album")
mixgenre=boolean Restrict mix to the genre of the seed 1.1.6
mood=name Make a mood mix based on the given mood 1.5
playlist=name||fullpath Choose all songs in the playlist as seeds
recipe=name Use the indicated recipe when making the mix (Windows only) 1.8
rejectsize=# Set the number of items to skip before repeating artists 1.1.6
rejecttype= (tracks|min|mbytes) Set the units for rejectsize (default tracks) 1.1.6
size=# Set the size of the list (default 12)
sizetype= (tracks|min|mbytes) Set the units for size (default tracks)
style=# Set the style slider (default 20, range is 0..200)
variety=# Set the variety slider (default 0, range is 0..9))
filter=name Use the named filter when creating the playlist (default none)
If there is no such filter, the name may refer to a genre as an implicit filter.
content= (json|m3u|text|xspf) Set the returned mime type (default text)
json|xspf requires 1.5
short Return short-style names (Windows only) 1.1.4
You may specify any number of songs, artists or albums as seeds, but you may not mix different types in a single request. If no seeds are set, a random song will be chosen from within the current filter.

As of version 1.1.4, the above default values are replaced with the current application settings from the mix preferences (on some platforms).
moods Returns a list of all the moods. Call this without parameters. This will only return information on platforms supporting the Moods menu. 1.5
playlists Returns a list of all the playlists. Normally you would call this without parameters, but you can pass the following:
detail Return full attributes for each playlist. Attributes may include: name, file, added, modified. Each playlist will be separated with a blank line in this mode 1.1.5
recipes Returns a list of all the recipes. Call this without parameters. This will only return information on platforms supportings recipes (headless on all platforms, and Windows 1.8 or later). 1.8
setLastPlayed Set the time the indicated song was last played. Parameters are:
force Set time even if less than currently stored 1.5
song=fullpath Choose a song
time=timestamp The new timestamp, either in seconds from 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, January 1, 1970, or as follows: 2005-02-22T23:56:06Z. You may also use the word "now" to set the last played time to the current time.
Returned value is the number of songs which were changed.
setPlayCount Set the play count of the indicated song. Parameters are:
force Set count even if less than currently stored 1.5
count=number The new play count
song=fullpath Choose a song
Returned value is the number of songs which were changed.
setRating Set the rating of the indicated song. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
rating=number The new rating, 0-5.
Returned value is the number of songs which had ratings changed.
shutdown Exit the mixer 1.1.3
songs Returns a list of all the songs (as a playlist). As of version 1.5, if you pass no artists or albums, all songs are returned. Parameters are:
album=fullpath Only include songs from the named album. fullpath is any song from the album
album= artistname@@ albumname Only include songs from the named album. (example: "Pink Floyd@@Dark Side of the Moon")
artist=name Only include songs by the named artist
content= (json|m3u|text|xspf) Set the returned mime type (default text)
json|xspf requires 1.5
filter=name Use the named filter when creating the playlist (default none)
If there is no such filter the name may refer to a genre as an implicit filter. 1.5
extended Return extended info for each song (as in the getSong command). This ignores the content and short options.1.5
short Return short-style names (Windows only)
status Return the status of the indicated item. Parameters are:
song=fullpath Choose a song
artist=name Choose a artist
Returned value is an integer.
0 ==> item cannot be used to create mixes
1 ==> item can be used to create mixes
version Return the version number of the current mixer as text. 1.1.3